If I was born to be a thing, how dare I defy the Creator of
the Universe and not be that which I was born to be!
Elaine "Manny' Allmond
Travel the Spiral of the Universe via the Medicine Wheel
and discover just how POWERFUL you truly are!
Elaine "Manny' Allmond
SEEKING SOFTNESS (available now)

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Seeking Softness
Come, take a few baby steps into the deep! (Deeper understanding that is). We're all breaking down existing walls, demolishing old, outdated thought patterns. We will no longer tolerate being just good, well-intended human beings; yet, still helpless & powerless (for the most part). We are of Pure Energy, Light and Power and it is high time for true understanding of such. As, the Western Ways blend fast with the Eastern Ways; take note, that most seem to be on a spirit journey (of sorts) seeking out and desiring more original primal truth. This age of enlightenment has been prophesied for centuries now. And so, once again, we are introduced to the Medicine Wheel, but NOW it is no longer just for the Native Shaman. It is a way of perceiving spirit, serving as each individual's own internal compass, guiding them further out to connect all to the power of the Universe, which is the CHRIST.
Come travel the Universal Spiral of Enlightenment via the "Medicine Wheel". Understand the limitless energies within each world direction, and know that you are, indeed, connected to it. This "Medicine" way of perceiving, currently yearns to become more common place in the everyday life of the average Americanized Westerner; and so, it shall!
Only $14.99

That place - an opening to an understanding in one's life which will ultimately produce a literal force, connecting you to the Creator and all living things (that same force that pushes the entire Universe further and further out). It connects ALL things to everything; to include you; yourself, yielding peace, balance, order and contentment to eventually obtain joy, happiness and your internal POWER! Each person has the potential to access it, and each person must dig it out
As the Christ would say:
1. "...it is through the mind" and 2. "...the Kingdom does not come by observation ... it is within"
Seek it , to eventually grasp your own POWER and your own personal, internal shining STAR.
Only $11.99
Everyone should do what they love! What better time to enforce this, than right as young, budding, new adult minds are graduating from High School. This book has 18 original poems with illustrations; brilliantly done, as engaging, light-hearten & relevant to the current times. Each lists good advice for many life lessons. This is the perfect gift for any/all Graduates, but especially for the High School Graduate!
Only $12.99